Can I change or cancel my order?

When you place an order on, we try to get your stuff shipped right away. In some cases orders will be shipped out same-day. Because of how quickly we work to fulfill orders, cancellations and order changes are very difficult to complete - often impossible. We can’t stress enough to make sure your information is 100% correct when you place your order.

If you contact support with an order change or cancellation request, we will try to fulfill your request but we can offer no guarantees.

If you would like to return any products after receiving your order, AtmosFX has a returns and refunds policy on unopened products. Opening or tampering with your products will make them ineligible for a refund. Once you receive your order, please contact the support team to receive the required return authorization. Products returned without authorization are not eligible for a refund.  

For a full list of regulations and restrictions, please check out our Return Policy.

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