Do I need to purchase a Commercial Use License?
Commercial Use Licenses
Any business (i.e, amusement park, attraction, restaurant) that intends to use our products in a for-profit, commercial setting or event will require a Commercial Use License. This includes residential or neighborhood events where a fee is collected for for-profit purposes. Please email with the details of your event/business including: your estimated customer reach, when and where AtmosFX products will be used, the length of your event, and any other details you feel might be pertinent.
Non-Profit Licenses
If collected monies are donated to non-profit or charitable entities, a CUL is not required. If you are a non-profit organization and want to request a charitable product donation, please email with your 501(c)(3) number. In your email, please be sure to include details concerning your event including what products you would like, when you need them, how AtmosFX products will be used, and an estimate of attendance for the event.
For use in Video, Film, and Live Events
Do you wish to use digital decorations in a video, film, television, video game, artwork, special event or any other method not addressed under our Commercial Use License? If so, please contact to discuss the specifics of the project.
If you wish to showcase our products at an event, trade show, convention, etc., please contact
If you have any other ideas for licensing, please email us at
Product Use License
A product licensing agreement is required if you would like to incorporate our digital decorations and/or other products as a component of your product.
Please contact to discuss the specifics of the project. Completion of our Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement is required before we can provide any information.