How do I create a playlist on my Digital Decorating Kit projector?
Some decorators may only loop one digital decoration at a time, but what if you want to play LOTS of decorations? You're in luck because creating a decoration playlist is easy whether you're using the Digital Decorating Kit or the Digital Decorating Kit Plus.
Getting Started - Playlist Creation Options
Creating a playlist starts with how you organize your decorations on your storage device.
The easiest and fastest way to prepare your playlist is to put all your decorations in one folder on your storage device before connecting it to your projector. Then, because they are all in a single folder, you can find and select your decorations all in one place.
You also have the option to add lots of scenes from multiple folders, or even from more than one storage device at a time (the projectors feature 2 USB slots and 1 SD card slot).
Whichever way you choose to organize your decorations, these step-by-step instructions will guide you through the playlist process.
Creating a Playlist
- Step 1 - From the Main Screen, select “Digital Decorations” and press “OK”.
The main menu allows you to quickly locate different types of files you have stored on your drives.
- Step 2 - Using the Arrow Keys, select the SD card or USB flash drive where your decorations are stored and press “OK”.
The drive selection screen will display all of the storage devices currently connected to your projector.
- Step 3 - Select the folder where your decorations are stored and press “OK”.
The folder selection screen shows the folders on your SD card or USB drive. The “RETURN” option at the top of the screen takes you back to the drive selection menu from Step 2. Repeat Step 3 until you reach the folder containing your decorations.
- Step 4 - Select the decoration of your choice and then press “OK” to add it to your playlist. A red check mark will appear next to each added decoration. To add another decoration, select it and press “OK” again.
The decoration selection screen shows the decoration files in your folder. The “Up Folder” option will return you to the previous folder.
- Step 5 - Press "Play" to start your playlist and get ready for some fun!